56 2 2694 9300
Av. Alonso de Córdova 2860, piso 3, oficina 304. Vitacura, Santiago, Chile.
Errazuriz & Asociados


E&A Ingenieros

Advice in projects and operations in power generation, mining and infrastructure. Known for the ample scope of services we can cover, our technical quality and market intelligence, which we use in order to create value to our clients.

CH El Rosario

Located in Maipo Valley, El Rosario small hydropower plant is a run-of-river plant with 250 kw of capacity. Since August 2016, it provides clean and sustainable energy to the system. The support from Corfo, InnovaChile and the Energy Subsecretary was fundamental to accomplish this plant. Errazuriz & Asociados carried out the whole project, from construction to the start-up and, nowadays, it is also in charge of the operation.
A low environmental impact is one of the main qualities of El Rosario. A preexisting installation, previously used as a watering structure by Viña San Pedro de Tarapacá, was the starting point. A as a consequence, only minor civil works were required to construct the powerhouse and to install the hydropower turbine.


In alliance with Andes Sud, we established E2S, a company focused in covering the needs of the photovoltaic solar industry. E2S supplies equipment and services for solar plants, such as solar panel cleaning and small and medium size EPC projects.